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Minutes PTFA Meeting, 24th Feb 2023


1) Introductions and Apologies

Attendees: Ellie, Sarah, Nicola, Aisling, Sophie, Isabelle, Jolsna, Harriet, Natalie, Sandra, Fi, Amy Apologies: Katie, Jason, Jackie, Lucinda, Ruth

2) Notice of AGM! Will be held online Monday 27th March, 8pm Secretary needed to maintain our charity status! A role description can be provided and full handover with existing secretary. And would anyone like to help out (does not need to be a Committee role):

  • Website and social media

  • Grant applications

3) Actions from last meeting

a) Survey on PTFA has been set up – to be sent out shortly. Action: Aisling and Sophie to review and distribute before AGM, keep in query re Christmas Cards and add in detail re cost/profit.

b) St Bons branded sports kit – a parent expressed interest in sponsoring. Action: follow up with parent.

4) Finance

a) Review of balance, income & expenditure. Balance as at 3rd Feb is £31499.

b) Gift Aid – campaign to publicise this? Action: Catch up with Katie and Marcus. Send out emails to capture all Gift Aid status?

c) Online Banking/moving accounts - NatWest cannot accommodate online banking which is not sustainable in allowing us to best manage our finances. Best solution so far appears to be Lloyds. Action: Jason will speak with them to verify what happens with outstanding cheques that need to be cashed and whether a charity account would be dual signatory or not.

5) Past Events

Ceilidh Fri 10th Feb - event raised £174. Many thanks to all those who helped out on the night and attended this fun evening! People who were there all agreed this was a great night and it was a shame more people did not attend. Action: Get some testimonials to show what it was like!

6) Events Planned

Window wonderland – Sat March 4th. Hot Choc will be provided by PTFA. Propose that this is donated by PTFA or a simple donation box to be set out for cash donations by attendees. Jason and Maria will be setting up. Nicola may also be able to help set up.

Bake Sales for classroom resources - Each year group to do a bake sale, proceeds of which go to the teachers to purchase resources for their rooms. Proposed rota:

March 3rd - Yr3 (as Sandra will lead and do snag testing!)

March 10th - Reception

March 17th - Yr1

March 24th - Yr2

March 31st - Yr4

April 21st - Yr5

April 28th - Yr6

Guidelines (4 volunteers per bake sale), pricing (50p/£1 per item, cash preferred), floats, check dates don't clash with any other bake sales/events

Frozen Fridays to start in May or later to avoid volunteer fatigue!

Action: promote this and add instructions to class rep page

Books Giveaway - books that remained unsold from Christmas Fair - school happy to organise and in line with World Book Day.

7) Events for 2023

● Another school disco? Note: No volunteers have come forward for this so far. Action: sign up genius to get a sub committee together and IF we get commitment from volunteers then we can run discos.

● Interest in movie night has been expressed however it is felt that discos would be more popular than movie night.

● Uniform sale? (logo uniform needed for stock) Action: promote on SM to ask for more logo’d items.

● Bag2School? 16th May potential date - chase school for confirmation this can be held. Action: Aisling to chase school

● Matilda play refreshments - May 23rd, 24th, 25th

● Sports Day(s) refreshments - TBC week of 10th June

● Summer Soiree - Tues 20th June - very close to summer fair, doubtful we will have capacity and time to support this if it is held the same week as the summer fair. Also concerns that it may impact attendance of summer fair if parents have already attended an event (and spent money!) that week. Action: to be discussed with school.

● Summer Fair – Sunday 25th June

8) Proposed spending/school wishlist

Trim Trail has been installed and is being enjoyed by the children! Invoice has been received by the school. School vision for ‘learning through play’ at St Bons. PTFA requested to fund equipment for the new conservation area at the back of the school and lego tables to encourage lego play especially with older children. Some items might be supplied by individual parents/companies if they wish to donate?

Action: Katie and Jason are going to pull together shortlist of potential suppliers and costings and liaise with school to check on quantities for things like pond equipment.

9) PTFA Development

● Amazon have discontinued amazon smile fundraising! Promote Easyfundraising as alternative.

● Grants (Aviva and supermarket tokens) – pursue! Can someone own the grant writing and Easy Fundraising?

● Text to donate scheme? This could be very useful and easy to set up


  • Sandra suggested gin testing/beer tasting/pamper night for parents.

  • Suggestion from a father – can he promote involvement of dads/those who may not normally engage with a sponsored push up challenge on the playground! PTFA happy to support this idea, perhaps around Father’s Day?

  • Ellie proposes we do not charge for coffees on sports day as a thank you to parents for help throughout the year. PTFA will consider closer to the time if get enough volunteers to help on the day!

  • Yr6 leavers gifts fundraising – check in with their plans. PTFA happy to match fund up to £600.

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