Present: Aisling Jones, Sophie Smith, Sandra Whitehouse Riordhan, Sarah Shreeves, Katie McMahon, Isabel Gaiger, Helen Albon, Jason Rayner, Ruth Mico.
Apologies - Jackie Young, Ellie Eakins
Actions from May – Bank Account switch is ongoing – JR sorting.
No other actions
Finances – Current Balance £24,820 as of 5thJune (Summer Fair will be on next statement)
Bag 4 School - £245 – winning class 1P
Summer Fair Review- AMAZING event and the total raised is approximately £6000!!!
There was lots of positive feedback.
It was a hot day and people migrated to the reception area for some shade. Whilst the reception staff were happy for the shade to be used, if this area is to be opened for future events the reception and pre-school resources need to be cleared away.
There was discussion about bringing it forward by a couple of weeks to avoid the heat, but the logistics of planning and the possibility of clashing with other school community events such as first communion are increased.
A few parents fed back that they didn’t really think the gladiator dual was a great choice. A few knocks and bumps due to over excitement. Agreed to consider an alternative game for next year.
Frozen Fridays – have been popular and stock has been sold out each week. Cash needs to be provided to the year groups.
Sports Day – Refreshments being provided, tea, coffee, and croissants. An honesty box will be provided. Send out messages via socials for parents to bring reusable cups.
Planning for 23/24 academic year
Christmas cards – the administration involved with the current supplier is becoming unmanageable. Sarah is researching alternative options that provide a more streamlined online experience.
Autumn Discos – Week before October half term. Sandra and Siobhan happy to take the lead again. Need to confirm date with Mrs B and Mr Morgan.
Feedback was that 1 ½ hours may be a bit long. Consideration to take then down to 1hour 15mins to allow time for entry and exit with 1 hour of chaos on the dancefloor.
A child slipped and it was noted we did not have an accident form and wardens could have been quicker with first aid.
Helen said she was happy to help with the next disco.
Year 6 Funding – Ruth Mico raised the agenda point. It was discussed that the costs of providing the year 6 leavers hoodies have increased. It would be nice if the PTFA can ensure that all children receive a ‘gift’ as a memento for their time at St Bons.
The PTFA provides £600 to supplement the costs. It was suggested that potentially as the cost of the hoodies has increased so much that the PTFA funding could be used to buy a t-shirt or an alternative keepsake.
The amount of funding has been discussed with Mrs B and research was done across various PTFA forums before it was agreed last year. It was felt that the subsidy provided was above average.
The committee was mindful of the pressure to provide the hoodies but there was also a sense of concern that the constitution of the PTFA was to ensure that the funds are spent on improving resources and providing value for the whole school.
It was also discussed that the expectations for year 6 parents have increased over recent years and as a Governor Jason Rayner felt this needed more careful consideration from school as it can put parents in a difficult situation. It was also discussed that there is additional support available from school for vulnerable families that parents may not be aware of.
Summer Social Dates
Jason Rayner – workshop funding idea – JR has a contact who has run a marathon in every country of the world and run the perimeter of mainland UK. He runs school workshops and seminars. Mrs Ballentine would like to provide more workshops and interactive sessions that support the wider curriculum agenda and the PTFA could sponsor these.